Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Stone Face

It is the middle of April, and yet it is cold outside. Tonight was not as cold as last night, though. Last night, a record low temperature for this area was set at 28 degrees. It is a good 10 degrees warmer tonight, so I decided to take a walk. My roommate was gone to a meeting, and I figured when he came home, I would go back inside. He didn't return until almost 9 o'clock, but at the time, I didn't notice because I was tracking a cat.

I noticed it creeping into our driveway earlier this evening and I decided that I would scare it off. The cat was nosing around in our carport. He would randomly meow at stuff as he cautiously explored. I tried to sneak up on it, but I failed. It's hard to sneak up on a cat. It saw me and immediately it arched its back, backed into a corner and hissed at me. It was a pretty gutsy thing to do considering it was in MY carport. I decided to mock the cat, so I hissed back at it. The cat looked back at me with disdain. I thought about throwing something at it, but nothing was available.

Neither the cat nor I moved. He wouldn't budge, so neither would I. He growled at me once, and mockingly, I growled back. This stupid animal didn't know what to make of this stand off I had instigated. I honestly don't know how long I stared at this animal, but eventually I heard my roommate walk out of the balcony door. He called out for me, but I didn't answer him. I didn't want to blink in my battle of wills with the intruding cat. The tall kid walked outside next, and he started down the back stairs. The creaking of the stairs scared the cat and it quickly ran away. I'd like to think that I honestly won the battle, but I cannot fully embrace victory because I am certain that the tall kid's footsteps turned the tide.

Cats are dumb.

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