Monday, March 31, 2008

The Carpenter's Had a Song About This

Raining again. This time last year we were worried about an impending drought. Normal rainfall amounts for this area this time of year is around 4 inches. This time last year, the official rain gauge read about 2 inches. The official rain gauge as of last night, before the rain today, measured right around 9 inches. The Mississippi River is flooding, local streams and creeks are overflowing their banks. Things are not looking too good in the local low lying areas. I feel for those people in danger of being flooded.

Rainy days make me lazy. I don't know what it is about rainy weather, but all my energy is mysteriously sapped from my body whenever it rains. In fact, today I probably slept more hours than I spent awake. I did go for a walk late in the evening just to shake the cobwebs from my severe case of nap head, but I came back early because it started to rain again. I came back inside, ate a little supper, and crashed on the couch.

I was so lethargic today that while I was napping this afternoon, the short curly haired kid tried to put sunglasses on me. Ordinarily, I'd swat her hand away or move to another room, but today, the rain had taken all of my reactive energy away. She covered me with blankets, sat on my head, whacked me on the stomach, and tried to read a book to me. She poked me with a drumstick, shoved a plastic baby doll in my face, and mispronounced my name in a horrific shout directly into my ear. She pried open my eyes with her sticky fingers, sneezed in my face, and bounced a sippy cup off my head. She tried to squeeze the life out of me after she heard the "I Love You" Barney song blaring from the television in the living room, and then she started reading the book to me again- poking me in the ribs every time I appeared to be distracted.

The rain is supposed to be gone sometime tomorrow afternoon. I sure hope I survive long enough to enjoy the sunshine again.

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