Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Is nothing sacred? In a house this big with as many people who live in it, there ought to be rules. Rules that are strict enough to ensure that people's possessions and privacy are respected. The kids tear things up all the time, my roommate's girlfriend unplugs my computer everyday, the dogs pee on the floor, and my roommate has apparently forgotten what house cleaning is all about.

I was hanging out around noon today enjoying the peace and quiet. I had planned to do a little reading, but it was so quiet in the house, I closed my eyes instead to nap a little. Sure enough, my roommate comes home for lunch and told me to get out of his chair. Earlier this week, I was hanging out watching Animal Planet. I got up to go use the restroom, and when I returned, the short kid with glasses had changed the channel on the TV that I had been watching to Sponge Bob.

I mean, it's like I live with a bunch of selfish slobs who don't think about anyone but themselves. Just the other day I got locked out of the house again. I had gone out to run errands in the neighborhood, and apparently nobody even noticed that I was gone, because when I came back the doors were locked and the cars were gone.

Sometimes it seems like my living conditions are unbearable. And to think of all the things that I do for this family! Well, not tomorrow, folks! Tomorrow people will be lucky if they see me at all! (Unless I need to eat . . . but I'm not talking to anyone)!

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