Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My roommate's girlfriend keeps watching American Idol, and I don't understand why. Granted, the first couple of weeks of the show is entertaining with all the auditions and craziness - but why keep watching it all the way into May? Over the years, it seems to me that the truly talented kids don't win.
Tonight, as I tried to nap on the couch, some schmuck decided that it would be a good idea to sing "Hungry Like the Wolf." The genre tonight was the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Why, for the love of everything sacred, would you pick freakin' Duran Duran out of all the artists that are currently in the Hall. (Duran Duran? In the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? Really)? I mean seriously! There are only four contestants left in the competition and this moron sings a Duran Duran song. The only other choice that would have been more ridiculous would have been a selection from the Human League, although I'm fairly sure those ding-a-lings aren't even on most Karaoke machines, let alone the Hall of Fame!
Of course, the extremely annoying mop head looking kid sounded like he was singing out of his butt tonight. He actually forgot words to a Bob Dylan song. Honestly - how do you forget Bob Dylan lyrics? Just make up some crap and sing it! I'm pretty sure that's what old Bob does, and he's singing his own tunes! Mop head's performance tonight was mildly reassuring though, because come tomorrow night, he is probably on his way back home to Texas, where hopefully some big, close minded, hateful, cowboy will beat him senseless with a rubber hose merely because he embarrassed the Lone Star state. I'd grab my roommate's cell phone to vote for that! (Of course, there is probably a gaggle of prepubescent girls out there who think mop head is too dreamy to vote off the show, and they will jam cell phone towers all over the continental United States to keep him on the show just to see him next week get on stage and butcher yet another song while smiling his "I just got free ice cream" smile during the entire performance).
Hmmmm! Let's see . . . Sean Cassidy or Paul McCartney?
Gimme a break!
At least my roommate's girlfriend doesn't watch Dancing With the Stars!

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